Breast Augmentation Boca Raton

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that enlarges the breast to an agreed upon size and shape according to a patient’s aesthetic goals.

There are many motivations for women to seek out breast augmentation surgery. Some seek a larger cup size so their breasts appear more natural in relation to their frame. Others seek to recover lost breast volume due to childbirth, breastfeeding, or significant weight loss. Others may wish to improve their breast symmetry after having undergone medical procedures that resulted in an unbalanced appearance.

Dr. Giancarlo, a board-certified and well regarded plastic surgeon in the Boca Raton area, is pleased to offer an aesthetically pleasing option for your breast augmentation requirements, regardless of your motivation.

Variations of Breast Augmentation

There are a variety of ways to perform a breast augmentation procedure, which includes differences in implant types, incision locations, and positioning.

Implant Types

The most common type of breast augmentation implant is made of silicone and is filled with silicone gel. This implant has been given the green light by the FDA and has a reduced rupture rate when compared to other implant types. Silicone implants in a wide range of shapes and levels of firmness. The natural look and feel, as well as the durability, are major selling points for patients.

Saline implants have a sterile saltwater solution inside a silicone casing. After the implants have been placed in their intended locations, they will be filled. The incision can be made less invasively as a result. When a saline implant leaks, the body can easily absorb the solution. Saline implants are increasingly obsolete and are only utilized in patients younger than 22.

Fat grafting is a method that does not include the use of implants but rather the transfer of fat from another area of the body. To achieve this, fat is removed from the abdomen, hips, or thighs and processed in a device before being injected into the breasts. Although fat grafting is the least risky of the three procedures because of the absence of rejection, the results are the least dramatic. Given fat's inherent capacity to absorb or degrade over time, it's also the least lasting option.

Implant Incision Sites

Breast augmentation scars can be well concealed by making an incision in the natural crease of the breast. The incision can be reopened for implant revision, and the surgeon has good access to the breasts.

An areola incision site is well-hidden by the nipple's darker surrounding skin. Incisions will be more noticeable for the first few months after surgery, and scars take time to mature and diminish.

The breasts are spared scars entirely if you choose to do an armpit incision. However, surgeons may be restricted in their implant sizing options due to the increased difficulty of working with this incision site.

Implant Positioning

Subglandular implantation involves positioning the implant behind the breast gland and above the pectoral muscle. One significant benefit is that the use of the pectoral muscles is not hindered in any way. This procedure is less complicated and more minimally invasive than others.

Subpectoral placement involves tucking the breast implant behind the chest's pectoral muscles. The implant is concealed by the muscle and the breast tissue, creating a more natural appearance. Here, the implant is less likely to cause apparent rippling, the skin is under less stress, and blood supply to the nipple is maintained. However, this placement has a longer period of recuperation.

Breast Implant Procedure

After the patient has been taken into the operating room, she will first be given anesthetic. Breast augmentation surgery is often performed under general anesthesia. An anesthesiologist or a nurse anesthetist may give this to you.

Incisions will be made in discrete, planned sites once anesthetic has been administered. Possible sites for the incisions include the breast crease, the underarm, or the perimeter of the areola.

Breast implants will be inserted either behind the breast tissue or under the pectoral muscle. The surgeon will decide where to put the implants based on the size of the implants and the patient's individual breast structure. The patient will be told of the merits and drawbacks of each placement alternative so that she can make an educated decision.

After the implants have been positioned correctly, the incisions will be meticulously closed with either temporary or permanent sutures. Incisions will have temporary drain tubes inserted under the skin. The risk of infection can be reduced by following the patient's surgeon's instructions to keep the incision areas clean and dry.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Recovery for breast augmentation differs depending on the implant placement (subglandular or subpectoral). With either solution, after your anesthetic has worn off, you will go home wearing a medical compression bra over your incision bandages to help reduce swelling and prevent stress on your stitches.

Major differences occur after the first couple days. For subglandular augmentation, recovery time is generally around 3 weeks. Subpectoral breast augmentation recovery is significantly longer and more laborious, as the pectoralis muscles are cut and stretched over the implant. Therefore, recovery is likely to be around 3 months.

Breast Augmentation Candidacy

Breast augmentation is a procedure that is generally well received by most potential patients. Breast augmentation with Dr. Giancarlo in Boca Raton, Florida is a good option for those who want larger, fuller breasts, better breast form, or symmetry.

Breast Augmentation Consultation

A consultation with Dr. Giancarlo is the initial step toward a successful breast augmentation treatment. Here, we may discuss your options for implants, incisions, surgeries, and aftercare. We will take some measurements, and you can get started on the road to a more attractive and aesthetic physique. Call today!